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Overview of the switching power supply Rectifier
  Switch rectifier switching rectifier work in forced off (ie, the current is not zero) and forced conduction (ie, non-zero voltage) mode, that is, hard-switching techniques. Clearly, the use of hard-switching technology designed to switch the rectifier, there is a certain power loss during turn-on and off switching. Further, the switching frequency is restricted, the maximum switching frequency of 300kHz, general communication rectifier switching frequency of 20 ~ 40kHz. However, due to its technology has fully matured, high-frequency signal is handled more perfect, the main circuit, reliable, low cost, it is widely used in the 1990s communication switch rectifier.
  Resonant Rectifier usually referred to is the use of soft-switching technology design. Soft-switching technology is mainly to make the switch rectifier, increase the switching frequency. Maximum use of soft-switching technology designed to switch rectifier switching frequency up to 10MHz, the current communications rectifier switching frequency of 100 ~ 300kHz.